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/Gender-based Violence


Gender-based Violence



Violence is defined by the Violence Prevention Coalition (VPA) as “the intentional use of force or power, whether threatening or actual, against oneself, another person or against a group or community, leading to or is likely to lead to injury, death, psychological harm, underdevelopment or deprivation of rights ”. [1]

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), gender-based violence (GBV) is violence against a person on the basis of gender or gender discrimination. It includes acts of physical, mental, or sexual harm or pain, including threats to commit these acts, coercion, and various forms of deprivation. GBV can harm women, girls, boys, and men. [2]

Currently, violence or GBV is being understood in terms of “the tip of the iceberg”, which makes facing and solving many problems.



When researching the nature of GBV, CEPEW avoids victimizing or demonizing a certain gender and choosing to look at the big picture. We have carried out a variety of activities combining training, technical assistance, entertaining arts integration, … to convey our knowledge and solutions to the above problem. To fully understand CEPEW’s approach to GBV, welcome to read our following article:

Gender-Based Violence: When an injured person hurts another person

[1] VPA, https://www.who.int/violenceprevention/approach/definition/en/

[2] United Nations (2014), United Nations Discussion Paper on Gender-Based Violence, page 12

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